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Setup Access / Jump box


Skip this step if you have already setup access box. And add it to your network.

What is an Access Box?

An access box, also known as a jump box, is a secure computer that you can utilize as a stepping stone to access other devices or servers in a separate security zone. The primary purpose of a jump box is to provide a controlled means of access between two dissimilar security zones, enhancing the overall security posture of the network. By funneling all traffic through a single point, it simplifies security management and minimizes the risk of unauthorized access.

It basically provides a way to connect to our kubernetes cluster using the private network ips.

jump box

1. Setup using k3s-simplified

In your cluster_config.yaml ensure that you fill in all the other details as required in the final cluster and add the accessBoxConfig field also.


Ensure that the node instance type and location you select is in the same region as your other nodes. Because of this hetzner limitation.

hetzner_token: <token>
cluster_name: test-k3s
kubeconfig_path: "./kubeconfig"
k3s_version: v1.29.2+k3s1
public_ssh_key_path: "~/.ssh/"
private_ssh_key_path: "~/.ssh/hetzner_rsa"
# ... other config items
instance_type: cax21
location: nbg1
image: 103908130

Currently only ubuntu 24.04 based access-box can be created, because the installation scripts are only supported for it. For other env please create your own access box or please help in contributing.

2. Run the command to create the access box

k3s-simplified create-access-box --config cluster_config.yaml

It will give you the output of the ip to connect to. And then you can install your k3s-cluster from inside the jump-box


Setting up a jump box is a critical step in securing your network infrastructure. It acts as a controlled entry point, reducing the attack surface and providing a centralized location for security monitoring and logging. Proper configuration and regular maintenance of the jump box are essential to maintain its effectiveness as a security tool.