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There are two ways to consume or contribute to this project. Since this is a simple java application, you can install jdk 21 and make changes and compile.

  1. Install intellij idea community edition
  2. Open the build.gradle file as a project
  3. Then to compile just run it after selecing jdk21 as your java version

After setup is done, how to run locally

  1. ./gradlew clean build
  2. java -jar build/libs/k3s-simplified.jar create --config ~/Projects/easystartup-io/k3s-simplified/cluster_config.yaml

Why am I not using GraalVM native image:

  1. I did explore using a GraalVM native image
  2. But it lead to too many issues with reflection and deserialization and I have to ensure that while running the GraalVM agent for every change that I explore all the application pathways for the agent to compute the pathways and allow reflections
  3. I do not feel it is worth the effort in doing it, mainly because of additional bugs that can come up during runtime
  4. Instead people can download a slightly larger package bundled with JRE itself which can avoid all these problems.

To test release packages

  1. There is a build pipeline which creates artifact when you push to test-release branch
  2. You can push to that branch and check your github actions, you should be able to find the artifact to download and test where ever you want
  3. The link_to_artifact_file should be output in the Output artifact URL step of github action pipeline, then you have to manually download it
  4. There is no way to download artifact without signing in, hence currently cant automate it
  5. After downloading your tar artifact
    tar -xf k3s-simplified.tar.gz
    cd k3s-simplified
    chmod +x
    sudo ./
    cd ..