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Creating your cluster

k3s-simplified requires a YAML configuration file for cluster operations. Here's an example template (with optional settings commented):

hetzner_token: <your token>
cluster_name: test
kubeconfig_path: "./kubeconfig"
k3s_version: v1.30.2+k3s2
public_ssh_key_path: "~/.ssh/"
private_ssh_key_path: "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
use_ssh_agent: false # set to true if your key has a passphrase or if SSH connections don't work or seem to hang without agent. See
# ssh_port: 22
- # ensure your current IP is included in the range
- # ensure your current IP is included in the range
private_network_subnet: # ensure this doesn't overlap with other networks in the same project
disable_flannel: false # set to true if you want to install a different CNI
# schedule_workloads_on_masters: false
# debug: true # To see in realtime what scripts are being executed, beware it will print the tokens so please dont run when in hostile env
# cluster_cidr: # optional: a custom IPv4/IPv6 network CIDR to use for pod IPs
# service_cidr: # optional: a custom IPv4/IPv6 network CIDR to use for service IPs
# cluster_dns: # optional: IPv4 Cluster IP for coredns service. Needs to be an address from the service_cidr range
# enable_public_net_ipv4: false # default is true
# enable_public_net_ipv6: false # default is true
# private_api_load_balancer: true # default is false, if you want to use a private api load balancer, ensure that its accessible from where you are running executing this config
# api_server_hostname: # DNS for the k8s API LoadBalancer. Only enable after you have run the create command at least once and done the dns mapping to the private ip or public ip of the load balancer . Else the kubectl command will dns timeout

# image: rocky-9 # optional: default is ubuntu-24.04

# autoscaling_image: #deprecated, instead use the below two options # 103908130 # defaults to the `image` setting

# autoscaling_image_x86: #Image to be used for x86 instance autoscaling
# autoscaling_image_arm64: #Image to be used for arm instance autoscaling
# snapshot_os: microos # optional: specified the os type when using a custom snapshot
cloud_controller_manager_manifest_url: ""
csi_driver_manifest_url: ""
system_upgrade_controller_manifest_url: ""
instance_type: cpx21
instance_count: 3
location: nbg1
- name: small-static
instance_type: cpx21
instance_count: 4
location: hel1
# image: debian-11
# labels:
# - key: purpose
# value: blah
# taints:
# - key: something
# value: value1:NoSchedule
- name: big-autoscaled
instance_type: cpx31
instance_count: 2
location: fsn1
enabled: true
min_instances: 0
max_instances: 3
# additional_packages:
# - somepackage
# post_create_commands:
# - apt update
# - apt upgrade -y
# - apt autoremove -y
# enable_encryption: true
# existing_network: <specify if you want to use an existing network, otherwise one will be created for this cluster>
# kube_api_server_args:
# - arg1
# - ...
# kube_scheduler_args:
# - arg1
# - ...
# kube_controller_manager_args:
# - arg1
# - ...
# kube_cloud_controller_manager_args:
# - arg1
# - ...
# kubelet_args:
# - arg1
# - ...
# kube_proxy_args:
# - arg1
# - ...

For a detailed breakdown of each setting, please refer to the official repository documentation.


cluster_name only supports lowercase alphabets, number and dashes. It's because of hetzner api limitations with capital letters.

Creating the Cluster

Execute the following command with your configuration file:

k3s-simplified create --config cluster_config.yaml
TIP: Idempotent

This create command can be run any number of times with the same configuration without causing any issue, since this is idempotent. This means that if for some reason the create process gets stuck or throws errors (for example if the Hetzner API is unavailable or there are timeouts etc), you can just stop the current command, and re-run it with the same configuration to continue from where it left.

Additional Cluster Operations

  • Adding Nodes: Modify the instance count in the config file and rerun the create command.
  • Scaling Down: Decrease the instance count and delete the nodes from both Kubernetes and Hetzner Cloud.
  • Upgrading k3s Version: Use the k3s-simplified upgrade command with the new version number.
  • Deleting a Cluster: Run k3s-simplified delete --config cluster_config.yaml.